Wednesday, 7 November 2012

New Blog...

I have decided to start a new blog. After isolating this one for so long it didn't feel right going back to it and revamping. New blog consists of inspiration, my studio work, 'movement, image and sound' and general arty crap. Have a look if you were crazy enough to read my rambling throughout this blog! :)

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Pretty damn swanky

                       Yosuke Goda - Room that Swallows (2011), permanent marker on wall.
I am really liking Goda's work with permanent markers here. I can imagine the feeling of being in that room would be as effective as the artist intends it to be. Makes me want to get my markers out!

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Inspiration hits home

This just makes me want to move into my new house ever more now! This is a piece from Amanda Browder which she describes as "a state of betweenness - 'twixt soft sculpture between orchestrated public object installation with a studio affinity for abstraction and minimalism". She likes the transformed nature of materials, and how the combination of the familiar creates abstract relationships about place. This piece in particular portrays a psychedelic experience, reinventing pop art colours and exploring scale and perception.


Coming across an image like this really makes me want to do more body work!

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Hong Yi.

How amazing is this portrait?! I actually come across this on Tumblr, which was the initial strick of lightening to me that I have totally neglected my poor journey blog.
This piece is inspired by the song of Jay Chou. Shanghai-based artist Hong Yi decided to create his portrait using nothing but Nescafe coffee stains on the bottom of a mug. To be more exact, the 26-year-old artist was inspired by the first line of the song about lifting up a coffee cup off the saucer and “the ending of the song about fragmented pieces – this is shown through the portrait as a whole – how it’s formed by many individual rings, many of them broken and imperfect.”
“The song is about traveling 20 years back in time and is reflected through how the portrait looks like sepia-toned photo. Autumn is shown through the brown colours of the portrait, giving it an old, rustic feel.”
Yi says that it was “a tricky medium to use – too much water and the rings wouldn’t form easily, very little water and you’d have to be precise with where you place the cup coz the rings would pretty much be permanent.”
The coffee cup Yi used.

The final piece.

It's about time.

Time to finally get my ass into gear with my blog. Thankfully I've managed to fall into a steady, full time job this summer. However along with working, researching and squeezing more artwork in here and there, I have totally forgotten about my blog! SORRY! I promise to keep up with it from now on and need to give it some extra TLC. Once again I'll be posting everything and anything that inspires, influences and intrigues me within the world of creative minds. Peace.

Sunday, 29 April 2012


For the End of Year Show, I decided to produce a short video piece influenced by the dreams I've had within the previous three months. I began documenting my dreams at the beginning of this semester in a pad now known as my 'Dream and Doodle Pad.' Alongside the text, I produced doodles as well.
I captured certain aspects from this pad and evolved them into visual reenactments, with the help of Amileigh Newson and Gareth Galley. I spoke over sections of the shots, to narrate them and to add more of a personal experience. This short film was 1 minute and 34 seconds long, as I wanted to portray the idea of loss of time during sleep. Dreams appear to last the entire night, however this is not the case. They usually vary from a few minutes long. The title of my piece is 'Chimera' as it's based on dreams, fantasy and delusion. The quick snapshots of the camera is to suggest the rapid eye movement endured during ones sleep and the reverse of the film is to portray one trying to puzzle together the dream, as I usually remember the end of a dream before the beginning.  

Above are two film stilts taken from my video, whilst it was playing at the show. My piece was shown on a projector in the Dark Room, along with three other artists' work.

Saturday, 28 April 2012


The End of The Year Show went really well, everyone did an amazing job. Got some great feedback from people, sweeeeet! :)

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Skins at the entrance of exhibition, opposite the title

Exhibited photographs

Above are the two photographs that I displayed in my exhibition. Size A2.

Title of my exhibition

The Anthropological Contemplative of Dr Zoo
This is a photograph of the entrance to my exhibition, 'The Anthropological Contemplative of Dr.Zoo.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Jenny Holzer

Blue Tilt


Jenny Holzer is an artist that I came across on Tumblr. I absolutely love her work and it really engages me to explore with a larger scale. Projection is also another intent of mine.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

AirSpace Gallery have a fancy dress birthday party

Inspiration - Kandinsky

The final outcome
The AirSpace Gallery had their 6th birthday last Friday and everyone who attended had to wear fancy dress. The theme was your favourite artist, or your favourite piece of artwork. Kandinsky does some pretty sweet abstract paintings, therefore I decided to replicate this on myself. Note to self: body paint isn't always that easy to take off.

More sneak peaks of my piece to include in my group exhibition

Poster Riot

These are the two posters I made at the printing workshop at the Airspace Gallery, Hanley. I really like the bottom poster, even though it was so simple to make. Simplicity is great.

I like photography

The sky is so beautiful


Whilst in Poland, we visited Auschwitz. This day was such an eye opener and experience, so I'm glad that I have been, yet this isn't something I'd visit twice.

Mini exhibtion.

Above are some photographs of my piece I exhibited in a hotel room in Poland. Basically we had a task set to create an art work that was transportable within a matchbox. I documented my journey to Schindler's factory by photographs and created my own kind of time line-referring to a line such as the death march. On the back of the photographs I re-wrote Schindler's list and coffee stained them, to create more atmosphere. 


Photographs by the lake

Exhibition Posters

Above are the posters that I produced for my group exhibition, that were put up around the art department. 

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Starting my final pieces for the upcoming exhibition

Although I don't want to put my final photographs up on here until I've edited them and the exhibition is over, I've whacked this on here as a sneak peak to what I'm doing. Basically I have been painting a few different animal skins onto my friend's back, that I'll be presenting as photography pieces. This one wont be included but I thought it looked cool when I was wiping it off her.

Friday, 3 February 2012


I was having a little bit too much fun with a sharpie and an acoustic guitar. Looks pretty sick though. Bad photograph, I'll probably upload another one sometime in the near future. Doodles are the way forward guys :) 

Animal Printy Eyes

As part of my exhibiting and curating module, our chosen theme is based around several aspects infulenced by animals; whether it's animal confliction, the prints, evolution, etc. I'm focusing my piece mainly on the print/skin of animals, as this is what hunters mostly desire.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Ulrika Kestere

Wow. This woman is amazing. Possibly my favourite photographer I have stumbled across. I need to visit Latvia and do some photography there.

Thursday, 26 January 2012


After chilling and listening to 'Group Love,' I had a sudden urge to go and experiment with some photography. I used to whack these on and drive around in the early mornings if I couldn't sleep, so I wanted to capture some passing cars.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


Here we have the love of my life, 'Doobry!' Ultimate chiller, until there's a cricket in his vivarium. He's also got pretty sick scales...bad boy!

Pretty frickin' sweeet

I've come across 'the opposite of graffiti' and it is damn cool. Rather than adding to the wall or working material, the artist removes sections to reveal a design, etc. Why is this frowned upon?!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Some photographs I haven't yet documented...

These are some photographs of a small lake, taken in the evening to capture an eery effect. My main focus is the reflections in the water.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Thinking I'm some kind of a genius...

Alright, I like coffee! Especially Starbucks coffee (Typical, I know). I like it that much, that on this cold afternoon, I felt the need to fancy it up and pretend it was a good ole Starbucks one. It worked and I enjoyed it in the comfort of my own home, instead of a busy-assed cafe...beauuuuty :)

A few snapshots

Here are a few quick snapshots of my cat and an amazing bubble gum dispenser my sister bought me, when I'd demolished about 50 in one go.

Christmas Card

After sending my mum a Christmas card which she did not receive, I decided to make her one. It may not be typical, but still I think it's pretty funky.