Saturday, 4 February 2012

Starting my final pieces for the upcoming exhibition

Although I don't want to put my final photographs up on here until I've edited them and the exhibition is over, I've whacked this on here as a sneak peak to what I'm doing. Basically I have been painting a few different animal skins onto my friend's back, that I'll be presenting as photography pieces. This one wont be included but I thought it looked cool when I was wiping it off her.

Friday, 3 February 2012


I was having a little bit too much fun with a sharpie and an acoustic guitar. Looks pretty sick though. Bad photograph, I'll probably upload another one sometime in the near future. Doodles are the way forward guys :) 

Animal Printy Eyes

As part of my exhibiting and curating module, our chosen theme is based around several aspects infulenced by animals; whether it's animal confliction, the prints, evolution, etc. I'm focusing my piece mainly on the print/skin of animals, as this is what hunters mostly desire.