Thursday, 1 December 2011

A quick essay exercise..

In our last researching for Fine Art session we did a quick re-writing exercise. We had to develop and correct a paragraph from an essay on Oranges and Bananas.

This is the original paragraph:

So far so good: there are some differences, but what really makes a difference is the experience of peeling them: peeling an orange is always a bit of an act: you really need a knife (or long-ish fingernails) and even then juice always gets on your clothes or drips around. As Mike Rubino said: "Give a man a peeled orange and he eats for a few minutes. Tell him to peel an orange and he'll be busy for at least 20 minutes." And then you still have to get the white bits off the fruit segments - give me a Terry's orange any day!

This is my adaptation:

The experience of peeling either an orange or banana greatly differs from one another, as the skin of an orange is more stubborn. Mike Rubino stated "Give a man a peeled orange and he eats for a few minutes. Tell him to peel an orange and he'll be busy for at least 20 minutes," this portrays the task within removing the skin and suggests a negative opionion. It is apparent that peeling an orange is a much more effort consuming experience, therefore a banana appears to be the easier option.

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